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Sexually Curious, Fashion Forward

Welcome to Sext Me. This is my very own passion project filled with unique fashion tips & tricks as well as some sexually stimulated engaging content. My goal is to show you how to express your sexuality, your true self, and explore fashion as a woman in the modern day world. Maybe even teach men a thing or two on women! Human sexuality should not be shamed it should be celebrated by women especially! So feel free to look around and explore my take on things, and I hope anyone reading this feels comfortable and confident in being their best version of themselves!

Cuffing Season is upon us - which means LAYER SEASON IS HERE!

Writer's picture: SophiaSophia

Updated: Mar 10, 2019

We all know it's time for layers ladies! So if you haven't hit your summer body goals don't worry the playing field is level for those who have been maximizing Taco Tuesday! We all have to layer up and stay warm. With layers, hot cocoa, pumpkin spice whatever, comes finding someone to Netflix & Chill with all winter long. (Crazy) But for those ladies out there don't fear it is easy to show off your sexuality even in winter clothes. I know how right? Easy if you live somewhere like me (sweet home Chicago) it gets COLD - Like Antarctica, frozen nipples freezing!

But as long as there isn't snow on the ground clothing designers everywhere have made HEELED BOOTIES! Such an easy way to spice up any outfit whatsoever! Plus as I said in my last post, it immediately makes you feel sexy! Don't believe me, next time you go to clean your house or vaccum put on some stilettos! Watch what happens, you may feel a little weird or even dirty doing it! But you will feel HOT!

Also invest in a nice warm fitted jacket, seems stupid but they make some really cute jackets that hug your figure in all the right places! BCBG, H&M, GUESS all make some great jackets that are affordable. Bottom line it is going to come off anyway. So your outfit underneath is what counts so make it count! In the winter you want to layer yes, but do not go out looking like the michelin man. A tank top and long sleeve go a long way! Maybe even a sweater or small jacket, but please do not put on several t shirts, a hoodie, another jacket and think you are getting Boo'ed up anytime soon!

Last tip are leggings, stockings, hosiery (whatever you call it). This is huge, as mentioned men are visual and sorry stockings look like you may have some lingerie under that outfit. It is playful and leaves something to the imagination.... now do not pair this with your long sleeve 2nd grade teacher dress, but a nice fitted sweater dress, or a long top and leggings, then BAM you have an outfit ready to go!

Don't forget;

- Nice fitted Winter Jackets

- Heeled booties

- Stockings (the cute lacey ones or something with some pattern, keep it classy and simple with a nice black pair as well)

- LAYER UP (but not too much keep it to 3 max)

For those of us who did not get our summer bodies ready, you can work on it now and no one will know till summer, or if you have 0 plans to workout congrats to the Skinny Fat girls. Layers and winter season level the playing field for those not in shape!

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